Vaping & E-liquids: Separating Myth From Facts

Vaping & E-liquids: Separating Myth From Facts - SMOKEPOPS

There are many myths and misconceptions surrounding vaping, which can make it difficult for people to understand its benefits and risks. In this blog, we will separate vaping myths from vaping facts and debunk some of the most common false claims about vaping. We will also provide credible and verifiable references to support our discussion and argue in favour of vaping as a beneficial and safe alternative to smoking.

Myth: Vaping Causes Popcorn Lung

One of the most common myths about vaping is that it causes popcorn lung, a severe lung disease caused by inhaling diacetyl, a chemical used in some flavourings. While it is true that diacetyl was used in some e-liquid flavours in the past, reputable e-liquid manufacturers no longer use this chemical in their products. Furthermore, the levels of diacetyl found in e-liquid are typically much lower than the levels found in traditional cigarettes. In fact, a study by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health found that the risk of developing popcorn lung from vaping is extremely low.

Fact: Vaping is a Safer Alternative to Smoking

While vaping is not completely risk-free, it is widely recognised as a safer alternative to smoking. According to a report by Public Health England, vaping is 95 % less harmful than smoking traditional cigarettes. Vaping allows smokers to satisfy their nicotine cravings without inhaling the harmful chemicals found in cigarette smoke. This makes vaping an effective tool for smoking cessation and harm reduction.

Myth: Nicotine in Vaping Causes Cancer

Another common myth about vaping is that the nicotine in e-liquid causes cancer. However, nicotine itself is not a carcinogen and is not directly responsible for causing cancer. While nicotine is an addictive substance, it does not cause cancer. In fact, many medical professionals believe that nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is a safe and effective way to help people quit smoking.

Myth: Vape Batteries Can Explode

There have been reports of vape batteries exploding, leading to serious injury and property damage. However, these incidents are extremely rare and are usually caused by user error. Vape batteries should be handled with care and charged using the proper charger to avoid overcharging and overheating. By following proper battery safety guidelines, the risk of a battery-related incident can be minimised.

Myth: Vaping Makes You Fat

Some people believe that vaping can lead to weight gain, but there is no evidence to support this claim. In fact, some e-liquid flavours can actually help suppress appetite. While some people may experience an increase in appetite after quitting smoking, this is not a direct result of vaping.

Myth: Vaping is a Gateway to Smoking

There is no evidence to support the claim that vaping leads to smoking. In fact, a study published in the journal Tobacco Control found that the rise in vaping among teenagers has been accompanied by a decrease in smoking rates. Vaping can be an effective tool for harm reduction and smoking cessation, especially for young people who may be at risk of becoming regular smokers.


In conclusion, vaping is a safer alternative to smoking and can be an effective tool for smoking cessation and harm reduction. While there are some risks associated with vaping, these risks can be minimised by following proper safety guidelines. By debunking common myths and misconceptions about vaping, we hope to provide accurate and reliable information to help people make informed decisions about their health.


"E-cigarettes: an evidence update," Public Health England,

"Is vaping safe?," Cancer Research UK,


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